Monday, 5 December 2016

Dinosaurus Rex and Tea with the Nuns

This morning some of us on the Convent Old Girls committee took Christmas tea to the nuns at the House of Adoration in Emerald Hill. We arrived and set out tea but were waiting for the seniour school madrigals choir to arrive. When 10 o'clock came and went I phoned the school secretary Mrs Gatsi and she said no bus had been booked for the choir. She said she would follow up for me. In the meantime we went ahead and had tea and we sat at different tables with the sisters. There were some from my time at the convent who have now retired. One nun, Sr Loyola taught piano at Convent and she is now 103!

Tea over, the nuns started to disperse but suddenly a Convent bus came roaring into the car park and the madrigals came and sang four pieces. We were just thanking and saying goodbye to them when another Convent bus came into the grounds. Turns out the juniour school choir were coming too. One after another they came in and then got everyone into the festive spirit with Christmas carols. The nuns loved all of it and we got two choirs worth of entertainment for one morning when we had pretty much given up on having any.

Taught my four year old Runbo again this afternoon and we looked at a book on dinosaurs. He then proceeded to announce he was a dinosaurus rex and was going to eat me up. He is a bit torn though as to whether he would rather be a dinosaurus rex or a pterodactyl. I don't know that I knew what those were when I was four!

Oh, and on a different note, finally had a paper I worked on with Rosemary Groom and Craig Jackson on wild dogs and lions accepted for publication in Animal Conservation.

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