Saturday 16 February 2013

Toing and froing

Looking back I have come a long way from where I was. Life has become "normal-ish" with the risk of becoming mundane and I am starting to consider different options, which a year ago I would not have been able to do. I still shy away however from trying to do a PhD again. The expression "once bitten twice shy" springs to mind. My confidence took a huge knock when I gave up on my previous attempt and the thought of having a repeat of the mental break down I had scares me. At the same time my brain is starting to crave mental stimulation and my feet are getting itchy to go exploring again. I am cautious though and do have to think practically in terms of having a support network wherever I go. On the one hand I am wanting to go explore again but then on the other I am in some ways content where I am. I am faced with the question of what I am wanting out of life and what I am really wanting to strive after.

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