Saturday 16 February 2013

Well life has been quite tumultuous of late. The re-entry of a friend from varsity days has made things more exciting, but at the same time pushed me almost to the brink of a manic phase. It will be shortlived as their entry is to be swiftly followed by an exit, and I am very aware that my interest in them is not reciprocated. However it has been a pleasant soujourn from the usual mundane happenings.

I did a very stupid thing this past week, in that I failed to check the water in our car engine. The disastrous consequences have been a fair blow and may have tipped my emotional balance decidedly downwards. Will mean having to probably dip into my savings and throws into question whether I will be able to afford the plans I had started to formulate for next year of travelling and attending friends' weddings.

The life I lead in Zim feels very precarious ...

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