Sunday, 2 March 2014

Life is short, focus on what's important

Went to a funeral today for a girl only 5 years older than me who died of cancer, leaving a husband and baby girl. Although a tragedy, the service focused on the eternal and reminded the mourners that none of us can be guaranteed of a tomorrow. James 4:14 of "14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. " rang true.

The person leading spoke of how the CEO of Cocacola had given the picture of us juggling five balls in life: work, family, friends, spirituality and health. If we drop work it can bounce back, but it is as if the other four are made of glass and could shatter and be none redeemable if we drop them. Definitely something to think about.

Otherwise, have had another busy weekend. I helped waitress at the BirdLife Zimbabwe website launch on Friday evening before going on to a farewell for one of the US marines based here. At the website launch a video was aired on activities on Marlborough Vlei on World Wetlands Day. A friend and I still plan on making our own video on the plight of Harare's wetlands. The one lady I work with had been filmed speaking on World Wetlands Day but unfortunately for her, she hadn't realized her blouse was open, oops. Going on to the marines' base I watched as others played beer pong - a tradition at functions at the marines'.

Saturday morning I went to the first session of the book illustrating course with Jacqui Taylor and Vanessa Hounsell. I loved it and it has inspired me to really get going. We were shown a bit of how to use our own drawings with photoshop which opens up so many options for multimedia. I am working on something for next week and will be digging out my water colours and sketches. (For those interested I'll post my notes from yesterday).

My friend Marian was worried we might have had trouble getting to the course as it was Mugabe's Daughter Bona's wedding. We did see militia and vehicles of cavalcade police along the way but luckily no roads were closed and we could proceed to Glen Lorne unhindered.

Finished yesterday with tea at a friend's and then dinner to discuss a presentation I'm to give on wetlands this coming week. I was shown a new range of herbal teas with indigenous Zimbabwean plants such as resurrection plant among others. They were really good and I am hooked.

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