Friday 28 February 2014

Happy to be in Africa for the moment

For the moment life is good and I'm enjoying my new job. The people in the office are nice and there are a lot of my age group. On Valentine's Day the directors bought each of the ladies in the office a red rose and we had pizza for lunch. Today one of my Boss' gave me a Belgian chocolate bar. There's a nice vibe in the office and it makes a big change to not be working on my own without people around me. 

I am making some useful contacts along the way too with corresponding with people at the Smithsonian Institute and other places around the world for rhino research. Hoping I can twin up with a friend who is completing her PhD at St Andrews to look at elephant psychology and training. We are also looking at partnering with local universities here.

Will be going out to Wedza in two weeks time. Hoping the snakes out there are starting to hibernate by then. They had a green mamba by the volunteer house this week.

Apart from the unrelenting power outages, life is good for the moment in Harare. I have another weekend filled with quite a few social engagements and the sun is out. The irises in my garden are in flower for the first time and I'm hoping to fit in a bit of gardening. Tomorrow I have the book illustrating course with Jacqui Taylor who wrote and illustrated the African ABC. Means I will be getting my paint brushes out, yay :)

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