Tuesday 29 July 2014

Almost spring and msasa time

Saw my therapist Rona yesterday again. Since Saturday I have been doing better than I was previously. Saturday morning I opted out of a social engagement as I wasn't feeling sociable. I was tempted to just languish in bed but as the sun was shining I forced myself up and ended up getting my paintbrushes out and doing some water colour painting. This really lifted my spirits. I went to Chinese and Shona in the afternoon which I am enjoying.

Sharing my depression I have received a range of advice from starting yoga to eating better. My therapist yesterday said the four rules she would recommend are:
- Making time to see some people
- Making time to be alone
- Making time to exercise
- Getting enough sleep

She also told me about Hyperboleandahalf - a blog on depression that is in the form of cartoons. Have a look here. Rona did warn me that spring time can some times make you feel down as with new growth it gives the feeling of new beginnings and makes you reflect a bit on where you are in life. I don't usually get depressed in spring. Rona likened it though to new year, which is when I often do hit a down.

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