Thursday 6 November 2014

The coming of the rains

The jacarandas leave their final carpets of mauve along the roads, whilst the flamboyants fiery blossoms come forth. Hot days build cumulonimbus clouds that hint at thunder showers and the air is sultry in anticipation. The frangipanis bare branches sprout pastel shaded blooms with a heady fragrance that hints of summer and far off tropical shores. All exotics, but all so familiar to Hararians.

Finally there is a roll of thunder and the first tentative drops of rain spatter the concrete. Gaining courage and momentum there is a drum roll of rain drops and a refreshing shower pummels the earth and gives life. The heady smell of fresh rain interfused with soil and earth permeates from the ground and you start thinking of Christmas and December holidays, although it is only November.

Flying ants mysteriously appear from holes in their underground nests and the European bee eaters flit across the inky blue skies, returning from their northern climes. Lightning strikes and the earth trembles. The rains have arrived.

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