Monday 16 November 2015

Lauren St John and The Born Free Foundation

Started today by having coffee at Veldemeers Cafe in Arundel soaking up the lovely cool air after the rain last night. Browsed through the Out of Africa magazine and saw a friend Tammy Maidwell's article in it. Then wandered round the nursery garden at Arundel eying their dahlias and carnations.

Went for a talk by the Zimbabwe born author Lauren St John at the International School and it really was inspiring. She has written numerous children's books on conservation and even human trafficking and has worked with The Born Free Foundation, helping release circus and zoo animals back into the wild in Africa and other places. Some zoo animals have their claws and teeth removed and she spoke of how Ocean World dolphins are often on drugs to stop them being aggressive. For more see her website here. She has even written a book based on a visit to Imire on black rhinos.

Am a bit between things at the moment. Looking for more students to make me earn a decent income and keep busy. Didn't get the job at Arundel but waiting on a few other things. After my jam packed schedule in the UK I do feel at a bit of a loose end coming back and need to find a solution to survive financially.

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