Thursday 19 November 2015

A touch of Ethiopian and some cello

Met up with my friend Kim yesterday at a new Ethiopian restaurant on Lanark Road in Avondale and we shared a vegetarian platter with the Ethiopian naan bread with a beef dish. Very tasty and not too pricey. Was nice to catch up with Kim and hear about her travels around Europe.

Today the Austrian cellist Erich Huetter gave a workshop for the elementary students at the Harare International School. He played a couple of pieces by Bach and some more modern composers and described how music can be a language to the students. He will be performing at Arundel School chapel on Sunday at 3 and then at the Saint Johns College carol service on Sunday 29th.

May have another art student as meeting with a friend's daughter on Monday. Going to drop some business cards to the Chinese Embassy to try recruit more English students. Still could do with being busier and a bit more stimulated.

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