Thursday 30 April 2020

To teach online or not to? That is the question

Am still on rocky ground today as are most teachers, with not knowing whether we are expected to launch back to the classroom next week or embark onto the world of online classrooms. It makes quite a big difference in how one designs one's lesson and I have a lot to learn still about how to use available software if we are online. I have some basic lessons planned but how I set the work from there is hanging a bit. Besides Padlet, there are also tools such as Kahoot, Quizlet, Seesaw, CommonLit to name but a few. If nothing else, this is a crash course on how to update teaching methods but one wonders how my students who struggle are going to cope with all of this. Basically none of us are any wiser until we hear what ED has to say presumably on Sunday, with school supposed to resume on Tuesday.

I had an unexpected chat with my Chinese seven year old on WeChat. He was busy making dinner as part of his home work from online school in China. He made an impressive Chinese omelette to go with noodles and they had purple bread rolls made out of sweet potato flour. His mum says they are struggling to try and allow him to get enough sleep each night as the homework and work set for home school while they are still in lock down is very onerous. She said they are supposed to go back to proper school in China on the 11 May but they all have an app on their phone which records their temperature and wellness and if they are unwell they will be quarantined.

This evening I've got a Skype board meeting for the dance project Xen Arts. We will be looking at how to proceed with it with the current lock down in the UK.

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