It's been a busy week, even though half of it was half term. On Tuesday I drove out to Hatfield to see my best friend and her little girl and we had a wonderful time going round her garden, with her showing me all the cool bugs, fungi and plants they have. There were puff ball mushrooms and all sorts, including tortoise beetle nymphs that looked pretty alien. Was a special time. Managed to dodge police there and back, even in Mbare. On Tuesday evening the housekeeper where I am house sitting invited me to a lovely birthday meal for her daughter. We were going to have sadza and chicken but in the end it was home made pizza and chocolate cake. They surprised me with sadza this evening, with dried muriwo they had made mixed with peanut butter (yum!!!) It may be my turn to cook. Angelina has said she will make me mutsine with dried black jack leaves. It is apparently rich in Vitamin C. Makes me think of the film Gather, that I watched last year about Native Americans cooking with traditional harvested plants and their cultural heritage. We had an interesting discussion around the kitchen table.
I went in to school today to begin the hand over process for next term. It felt a bit weird describing my life and routine to someone else. Turns out the other teachers are all quite staunch anti-vaccers. I did try explain the biology behind the vaccines and how they work but they weren't having any of it. It's amazing people will trust what's inside sausages and take medication but don't want to be vaccinated. A local private doctor here went today with all his surgery staff on a mini bus taxi to Parenyatwa Government Hospital and had the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine. We wait and see how they all do on it. There is speculation that for schools to reopen we all have to first be vaccinated. Technically you can't force people.
Had some good news that it looks like I may take art next term in my new job and then just form one and two maths and geo. Quite excited for that as the art department is well known and it will give me a selection of subjects to be teaching.