Sunday 14 February 2021

I nearly had a Valentine's date

 So have been getting WhatsApp's from a guy who is overly keen. Trouble is he's not interested in a long term relationship. Bright and early this morning he messaged me asking if I was free this afternoon. With still being in lockdown we're technically not supposed to meet up. He left the ball in my court with regards to what plan we should make. I suggested tea in my garden. He seems interested in only one thing though and I called it off. He had lost his phone and forgotten who I was on his new one, when he initially made contact again. All a bit pressured and rushed.

Instead I spent the day baking, and doing an oil abstract painting in the kitchen with my two ever faithful hounds. Been a good break from work. I haven't really taken a day off from preparing for Chisi since New Year's Day. Still have quite a bit to do but I really don't want to over prepare notes for Form 3, if I am in fact taking Form 1 and 2. I need to find out a bit on what the school uses for making videos for online. At this rate we may still be in lockdown next term. Who knows. We're supposed to have a government announcement tomorrow. They better not tell me we're going back to classroom teaching on Tuesday! I may just throw an apoplectic fit.

This week is half term, which means I have half a term left before the April holidays to prepare for Chisi! Eeek. I don't really want to be preparing lessons from scratch whilst trying to do all the marking I'm going to have.

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