The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a whirl wind of learning new things, new names and what I'm supposed to be doing. Am really enjoying being in the art department and am getting to know the girls and other staff. The form ones can come up with the funniest things. I get complimented on my dress sense and eyes but I also get asked random questions that have nothing to do with what we're learning. Today I was asked in a very serious tone, how do spiders reproduce. For a minute I thought about it and was about to give a biological answer but then I checked myself and was like, this is a geography lesson. They hadn't done reproductive biology yet and I was not about to go into spider reproduction. Nice try.
I have agreed to do maths support in the afternoons. You can see the effect of not having classroom teaching for a year. Some of my students just have no idea when it comes to algebra. Need to go back to basics. Had geo solar system projects to mark last weekend. There were a couple of projects that were really impressive and creative. From 3D planets made out of play dough or kaylite balls, I was really impressed.
This afternoon we had a dad who is a professional wildlife photographer giving a talk on photography to the sixth form. It was really cool and I learnt quite a bit on field of view, IOS and editing raw files. Had time at break today to sit on the steps with some of the other staff and photosynthesise which was nice. One of the staff was selling M&S, Woolworths and H&M clothes and another lady has eggs. Wish someone was selling milk, there's a shortage again.
Am back home to my beloved dogs. Was house sitting a big great Dane, a puppy great Dane and a pug last weekend and then Snowy, the black dog this week. Have marking and prep work but a friend is having a birthday at Domboshawa tomorrow and then have a braai and church on Sunday. Organising an online quiz tonight.