Monday, 7 August 2023

Memoir III

 For my friend Sarah Dowling's 21st when I was studying at UCT in South Africa, she had us dress up as our favourite cocktail. There were strawberry daiquiris, pink ladies, Captain Morgan's and I went as a cape velvet, wearing a brown velvet cape I inherited from Mrs Derby, my junior school music teacher at Convent.

On arrival, you could have a non-alcoholic or alcoholic jelly bean cocktail. I'm so glad I chose the non-alcoholic version as the alcoholic one was lethal. People were bouncing on it and it went straight to their heads.

It was a fun night and we all had a great evening. The only problem was trying to herd very drunk people home to Fuller and Smuts residences after. It was like herding cats. Several decided they were going to roll down the concrete stairs by the library and Jammie stairs. They semi did roll which must have been painful. When we finally reached the Fuller and Smuts car park, some of the group said they'd sleep on the hedges. A group of Smuts men decided they wanted to be let into Fuller, the girl's residence, and streak around the corridors. I managed to sneak in without admitting the gentlemen and left them to fend for themselves outside. Sleeping on the hedge and all.

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