Saturday, 16 July 2011

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better" Albert Einstein

Am having a laid back Saturday morning savouring the dappled patches of wintry sunshine outside and a leisurely pace to life. Sometimes it is healing to sit back and see the daisies and fully appreciate the moment. Have been dabbling in different things ranging from researching community conservation efforts in far flung Guyana to investigating the ethnoarchaeology of Papua New Guinean and African art and artifacts. This is in a way allowing me to tentatively explore new things but within a safety net. At times it is frustrating that I am not fully employed but at others it is good to have space to explore and rediscover what makes me tick and drives my passion.

Since my illness I have been grappling with the concept of reality and how one's thinking influences one's perception of the world, the people in it and one's own place within the world. With internet one now can live very much in a virtual world and one is bombarded by others' opinions and constructions of reality. That is why stepping out into nature, being surrounded by the raw, rough and at times harsh physical reality can be important to one's soul and sense of identity. Relating to other people and the way your circle of acquaintances think then imparts philosophies and emotions onto your psyche and this is also an interesting conundrum. Would one think in the way one does if one did not associate with the people one does?

Well some thoughts to throw into the pool of contemplation and the ripples of these thought waves to mull over.

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