Seed poded munondo giving way to jacaranda. Indigenous to exotic. Changes in my life reflected.
A furry friend follows me along the way.
To the right a manicured terraced veggie garden.
Lady chancellor dotted in between.
A dragonfly perches near where I write.
Pauses then takes flight.
The wintry sun lights up the air and gives a glimmer of spring.
Yellow African grass yellow butterflies flit through the dappled light.
A msasa in the distance changing foliage.
It will soon be glorious.
The woodland rustles and the floor is a patchwork of tawny leaves.
Who knows where this story leads?
A golden peanut butter cassia in the glade,
a butter yellow, still holding on to hope.
The buzz of flies and birds cry.
In a poolside garden, ladies write
of msasa trees and Zimbabwean spring.
All around the succulents brim with exotic colours,
standing out from the woodland.
Potted rose bushes, daisies, and bougainvillea,
edging the tranquil pool, too cold yet to swim in.
And still, the ladies write, each with their own take on nature and their surroundings.
A mini oasis in the dry landscape.
That glitter stone pool does invite
but more for a summertime delight.