We had a celebration of World Rhino Day at Imire last week and it was a success and we had generous sponsorship. The children did some great posters and gave some lively performances of poems and drama on conservation. The elephants visited and saluted the Deputy Minister of Tourism.
We have been having issues with our domestic worker whom we had to fire and who has challenged her dismissal and involved the Ministry of Labour and now ZANU PF spouting trade unionists. Luckily a good family friend is a labour lawyer and has very kindly helped us. My Mum got attacked by our maid's brother in law while I was in Joburg and we are trying to be more security conscious. Prayed about it at home group though on Wednesday and we're at peace about it, although it is irritating.
Went to a great play last night called "The End of the World in Borrowdale Brooke" and "Sunrise" (it was a two part play based on the character of Mrs Mupasa). Thoroughly enjoyed it, with Mrs Mupasa following ZBC news on the predicted apocalypse with the Mayan Calendar ending and then trying to register to vote in Harare but accidentally going to an HIV testing station by mistake and wondering why they wanted a blood sample and to know how many sex partners she had for Zim elections. Hilarious, would thoroughly recommend for a good laugh. It is on at the Alliance Française this weekend.
Last weekend I went to watch the Parlotones and then Selim Kagee at the Borrowdale Race Course. Thoroughly enjoyed the Parlotones and was surprised that I knew quite a few of their songs. Selim Kagee was also good but sang a lot of Elvis. Tonight I am going to Starlight Dancing at National Ballet and then have rehearsals this weekend for a local adaptation of Les Misérables at Reps for a performance in two weeks time.
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