Friday, 24 October 2014

Overcoming fear

Two weeks ago on returning home from a rehearsal for Les Misérables at Reps, my Mum and I were held up at gun point at our gate. For a fuller account of what happened have a look on my other blog page Homecoming.

The experience has left me feeling vulnerable and fearful and seriously hampered my freedom. I saw my therapist the week after it happened and talking to her did help. Am having to hand the whole situation over to God each day and thank him for the protection He gave to my Mum and I, as all things considered, it could have been so much worse.

It doesn't leave a good feeling though and on returning home each day, it feels like we are constantly being watched. I can't remember what our attackers looked like, but I wonder when I see men on the street if any of them are our robbers.

I am very grateful my dogs weren't hurt but I do worry about further repercussions and pray for their safety and that they will not be poisoned.

Friends have been amazingly supportive through this and in particular my friends Tammy and Ryan were absolute heroes, coming and putting up solar security lights for us in our garden as a gift. Thank you, Tammy and Ryan, it has made such a difference and we were so blown away by your kindness.

A result of this has been I had to opt out of being in Les Misérables as it was too great a security risk to come home late every night for two weeks running. My Mum and I get home before dark now and it is not an ideal situation but for the moment we are just being careful. We got home just before dusk last night and it made me a bit panicky being at the gate close to dark. We need to still put more security measures in place before I can venture out after dark and feel safe. Even then there is no guarantee.

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