Sunday 28 December 2014

Living in the Now

So it is starting to look like the coming year might be a year of travels and new things. I am quite excited. I am now thinking of doing a CELTA course in Cape Town and see friends and family there before going to Oxford in the spring. In between will be my dear friend Nina's wedding for which I am a bridesmaid. Excited for that too and helping with the peacock theme preparations and planning her kitchen tea/hen party.

Am looking towards these things as the first of January looms and I am currently unemployed. I will advertise to tutor though in between so that I earn my bread and butter. A teeny part of me worries that I might have let go of an opportunity at Peterhouse but I think it would have been very stressful and I don't know that I would be ready to teach on the 15th of January and a very heavy schedule at that. If I can eventually teach English as a second language it might be a more chilled environment and one on one might be better than big classes with lots of marking.

Haven't heard back about the university lecturing or about a part time job with WWF yet. Will see.

This morning at church there was a word to live in the now and not dwell on the past or get ahead of yourself into the future. There was also a call to look to the mountains when you are in deep valleys and see mountains as promising challenges to overcome and to do so with a servant mindset. Good to think on for the coming year ahead.

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