Friday 5 December 2014

Almost Christmas Time

Christmas is almost here and the end of my current job is nigh. Initially I was apprehensive and depressed about not having a job for next year but things have taken an interesting turn and suddenly a whole load of doors have swung open simultaneously. I had an interview yesterday to possibly teach maths from form 1 to 4 at Peterhouse. It has its appeal and the school has amazing facilities such as an equestrian centre and Gosho Park right next door. The only thing is I would be in Marondera but there is a bus that goes to Harare at weekends.

My other options are possibly lecturing part time at the University of Zimbabwe in zoology, private tutoring or possibly a project with Environment Africa and USAID. I have also been offered the chance to go do a TOEFL CELTA course in Oxford and see friends and family in the UK. So lots of choices out of nowhere.

Things are a little uncertain politically in Zim at the moment, with Grace rapidly ascending to power and the possibility of a Mugabe dynasty. Some of my friends who are usually the eternal optimists are not so confident on what next year will bring. I also had a friend remind me that in terms of finding a potential spouse the pickings are not great in Zim and will be even more limited in Marondera. We will see.

I really would like to visit the UK but I am not sure that I could live there permanently. In my excitement at visiting Oxford I started looking at photos and the majority of them have grey overcast skies. I would miss the sunshine in Zimbabwe and the open spaces. Would also really miss my dogs and if things do flare up politically will worry about my Mum's safety.

Lots to think about and will see which doors stay open and which ones close.

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