Monday, 23 May 2016

No cash, Domboshawa and an accident

Well since I last wrote the art festival at Wild Geese went well. I sold a few prints of my photos and it was a good day out and fun sharing the stand with three other friends. This last week I have also started to feel the cash shortage that is plaguing Zim. My one student can no longer pay directly in cash and asked me to open an EcoCash account and they also paid me with a petrol coupon. The fuel voucher really did feel like we're back to the not so good times.

On Saturday I went out to Domboshawa with friends and on the way we stopped to try draw cash from Standard Chartered Bank's ATM. We then learned that as of that day non-Standard Chartered clients cannot draw from their ATMs any more. This is a bit of a blow as it is how my Mum and I have been surviving so far. We are having to rethink how to pay for things now. It's really hit home.

Enjoyed the time up Domboshawa and watched the full moon rise and met some other friends up on the rocks. On our way back into town though we encountered a drunk driver who was swerving all over the road. He missed us but a mini bus taxi behind us had pulled out to overtake and it collided with the drunk driven car. I just caught the mini bus flipping over onto its roof behind us. Two of my friends are doctors and they got out to help. Luckily everyone was OK and all the people in the mini bus managed to get out. It was all a little surreal in the light of the headlights and the thought that it had very nearly been us that got hit by the driver.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Art, theatre, Imire and Serbia

Have just finished painting my last piece for tomorrow's Wild Geese Art Festival and have framed and mounted about sixteen other pieces. This has been a lot of work. Not sure will sell anything and am tossing around prices in my head. People in Zim don't really have money at the moment though.

This week I have also been working for Conservation Travel Africa and Imire doing their bookings and invoices. Picking up on someone else's emails has not been easy and finding my way slowly. Conservation Travel Africa works with projects in Zim as well as Malawi, Mozambique and Namibia. Went from doing work on this on Friday to a play at the HIFA theatre week - an Irish one on James Joyce titled "Joyced". I think I needed to have read Ulysses to really follow and my brain was elsewhere in spreadsheets and bookings. Watched a second play performed by the same person titled "Olive Tree" which looked at Palestine. How the actress Katie O'Kelly kept two full one-person plays in her head for the same day of performance beats me.

Katie O'Kelly who performed The Olive Tree (and wrote it)

Just got an email from the founder of the Youth Encounter for Sustainable Development project and courses I went on in Switzerland about a six day project in Jazak, Serbia. It is to use art to address social change and is at a new centre for sustainable development and rural learning. CERUDA: CEnter for RUral Development and Applied Learning (
I am very keen but it starts the day after my Mum gets back from England. I am playing with the idea of going to that though and then on to England to try work a bit there before my sister gets married. All just an idea. Will see. I need to email language schools next week and see if there is any work and what is possible.

For now I am going to sleep and get ready for what will probably be quite a long day tomorrow at the Art Festival.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

England in October

So my sister Beth will be getting married in October in the UK so I will be in that part of the world again at almost the same time of year as last year. I may see if there are any language schools that want a TEFL teacher (although I know it is off season as most students come over the summer). My Mum will be going over to help my sister prep for the wedding in July.

Rozanne Tumner who will be exhibiting at the Wild Geese on Sunday.

My jolly bee sting has become an ear infection with my inner ear canal affected. Went to the doctor today and she's put me on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and written me a prescription for a bee sting kit to carry with me at all times as I am allergic. The joys! Will avoid the cherry blossoms from now on.

Sunday, the day of the Wild Geese Art Festival looms large on the horizon. I still have my cosmos painting to finish and have a lot of mounting and framing to do between now and then, eeeek. We are supposed to get there at 6 am on Sunday morning. I'm aiming for 6.30 am but my friend Nina is an eager beaver who wants a good spot and will get there for 6 - go Neens!

Will post a link to my paintings when I'm done. Those in Harare, please come if you can.

Friday, 6 May 2016

HIFA, bee stings and bond notes

So this year due to a number of factors HIFA (the Harare International Festival of the Arts) didn't have it's usual week long festival with all art forms but instead are having nine mini festivals for different art genres. Last weekend they had a classical music one at Saint George's College. We went along to Baroque 2000 from South Africa, the Harare Philharmonic Orchestra, the opera gala featuring four South African singers and one local Zimbabwean soprano and then the Spanish guitarist Rafael Serrallet. I also got coerced into going to a workshop on how to go about managing a festival such as HIFA and the business side of it which was interesting. There will be another mini theatre festival next week. Unfortunately I will miss some of it as I will be manning a stand with friends at the Wild Geese Art Festival. Printed some of my photos to exhibit today (this weekend I need to finish painting some pieces and mount work on card).

Here's a slightly shaky snippet of Bongiwe Nakani singing from Carmen at the HIFA opera gala.

After stressing about using an interactive white board to give a demo lesson at St Johns as part of my interview for possibly teaching bio in the third term I got an email saying that they no longer require someone. Found some useful youtube tutorials though. I have got some more work though with Imire and there might be some consulting work on water resources. The home school started again this week but as yet the one remaining student hasn't paid fees for part of last term. I got stung by a bee at the International School and had an allergic reaction to it with my ear swelling and making me look like a lopsided Big Ears or Big Ear to be precise. Still taking antihistamines and feeling a little fragile. Must carry a bee kit with me.

The other big event this week was the announcement that there will be an introduction of bond notes in an attempt to ease the severe cash shortage we are facing with the US dollar. People are panicking a bit as it will mean we will be operating with a currency that is not recognised outside Zim's borders and there is the fear that it will evolve into the Zim dollar. There is a part of me that wonders if now is not the time to leave while you still have foreign currency and I am suddenly reluctant to spend the US dollars I have. Have to just have faith all will be well. Although apparently when times get tough in Zim people still buy Belgian chocolate. Went to Veldemeer's today in Arundel and they had sold out of pastries by mid-day. When in financial crisis eat more Belgian pastries it seems.

If you want to have a look at my photos for Wild Geese go to this link on Tumblr.