Monday 23 May 2016

No cash, Domboshawa and an accident

Well since I last wrote the art festival at Wild Geese went well. I sold a few prints of my photos and it was a good day out and fun sharing the stand with three other friends. This last week I have also started to feel the cash shortage that is plaguing Zim. My one student can no longer pay directly in cash and asked me to open an EcoCash account and they also paid me with a petrol coupon. The fuel voucher really did feel like we're back to the not so good times.

On Saturday I went out to Domboshawa with friends and on the way we stopped to try draw cash from Standard Chartered Bank's ATM. We then learned that as of that day non-Standard Chartered clients cannot draw from their ATMs any more. This is a bit of a blow as it is how my Mum and I have been surviving so far. We are having to rethink how to pay for things now. It's really hit home.

Enjoyed the time up Domboshawa and watched the full moon rise and met some other friends up on the rocks. On our way back into town though we encountered a drunk driver who was swerving all over the road. He missed us but a mini bus taxi behind us had pulled out to overtake and it collided with the drunk driven car. I just caught the mini bus flipping over onto its roof behind us. Two of my friends are doctors and they got out to help. Luckily everyone was OK and all the people in the mini bus managed to get out. It was all a little surreal in the light of the headlights and the thought that it had very nearly been us that got hit by the driver.

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