Saturday, 14 May 2016

Art, theatre, Imire and Serbia

Have just finished painting my last piece for tomorrow's Wild Geese Art Festival and have framed and mounted about sixteen other pieces. This has been a lot of work. Not sure will sell anything and am tossing around prices in my head. People in Zim don't really have money at the moment though.

This week I have also been working for Conservation Travel Africa and Imire doing their bookings and invoices. Picking up on someone else's emails has not been easy and finding my way slowly. Conservation Travel Africa works with projects in Zim as well as Malawi, Mozambique and Namibia. Went from doing work on this on Friday to a play at the HIFA theatre week - an Irish one on James Joyce titled "Joyced". I think I needed to have read Ulysses to really follow and my brain was elsewhere in spreadsheets and bookings. Watched a second play performed by the same person titled "Olive Tree" which looked at Palestine. How the actress Katie O'Kelly kept two full one-person plays in her head for the same day of performance beats me.

Katie O'Kelly who performed The Olive Tree (and wrote it)

Just got an email from the founder of the Youth Encounter for Sustainable Development project and courses I went on in Switzerland about a six day project in Jazak, Serbia. It is to use art to address social change and is at a new centre for sustainable development and rural learning. CERUDA: CEnter for RUral Development and Applied Learning (
I am very keen but it starts the day after my Mum gets back from England. I am playing with the idea of going to that though and then on to England to try work a bit there before my sister gets married. All just an idea. Will see. I need to email language schools next week and see if there is any work and what is possible.

For now I am going to sleep and get ready for what will probably be quite a long day tomorrow at the Art Festival.

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