Friday 10 March 2017

Defeated by the cold but recovering

The cold last weekend turned into a chest infection and a bit of a fever. I went to see my doctor on Monday after teaching and she said I had the onset of pneumonia and bronchitis in the base of my lungs. I really did not feel at all good on Tuesday and Wednesday but my supervisor again was not impressed with me staying away and expected me to have gone in to teach. Still feeling a bit unsteady I did go in yesterday and had my charge come skipping through the gate and then take one look at me and start bawling - great morale booster. Today was better and I'm starting to feel a bit better, just wish the cough would go and am not enjoying swallowing massive penicillin tablets.

Afraid all this meant I didn't go to Aberfoyle this weekend. Hope I'll get another shot at going some other time. It is blustery and wet here right now. Hope they get better weather there tomorrow and Sunday. I will however be going with a group to Nyanga in two weekend's time - yay! It is mainly for a serious fishing expedition but there will be some of us non-fishermen joining the party.

My routine police dodging in Mount Pleasant was thrown out this morning when they were lurking in the taxi rank bay by Arundel Village shops. I made a detour to avoid them but on my return they had shifted back to their usual favourite pickings spot - by the stop street road sign.

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