The last few days have been pretty busy as my form 3 needed extra sessions due to being off school with chicken pox (I think I've managed to not catch it - I haven't actually had it, eeek). Yesterday my Chinese four year old had me running up and down his front garden, racing against his puppy Badoo. As he can't whistle he used a metal one and was getting very excited when his puppy won, in between giving directions for where we should go and looking like an air traffic marshaller in the process.
Today I was tasked by him to draw fighter planes. I did a basic outline of a fighter jet and was told by my student he didn't like it. Oh dear. I tried to rectify the situation by doing an old fashioned aircraft with a propeller and double parallel wings. Fighter planes seem to have eclipsed dinosaurs at present. I think my plane drawing is going to have to improve. My student then drew some tanks which were actually pretty good. To one he had added a solar panel so it "moved with the sun" - I was very impressed with that.
For my grade one I have been told I need to be willing to give full commitment i.e. not have any sick days, if I am to continue next term. I can't guarantee I'm not going to be sick and as much as I'm making headway now it just isn't a totally viable situation. I have got a few more afternoon students. Will mean I could go to a morning art class next term.
Had a massage this morning by a friend who is studying it and wants bodies to practice on. Nearly fell asleep on the table which is a good sign. Tomorrow I have to help my form 3 with an essay on Macbeth writing from Banquo's perspective on Macbeth's behaviour after having seen the witches. I will be fairly familiar with Macbeth by the end of this. After that I will be joining up with others from the depression support group to paint pottery at The Studio.
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