Friday 29 September 2017

Moon Festival and Friday

At the end of today's lesson with my Chinese student I was given a moon cake to eat as this weekend is the Chinese Moon Festival. Definitely more of a pleasant and less embarrassing experience eating the moon cake compared to the black chicken episode. I think I should just say I am vegetarian. My student's birthday is coming up in October. I got the day wrong as I thought it was the 10th. His mum explained that they are very relieved it is not the tenth of October as this is the National Day of the Republic of China, when Taiwan broke away from mainland China in the Wuchang Uprising in 1911. For the Chinese this is apparently not a good day and not one to have a celebration on - oops.

This morning with my home schoolers I had them doodle in time to music. I got them to do one doodle to City of Stars from La La Land and then second to Another Day of Sun. The difference in tempo produced some great results and the two seemed to really enjoy it.

Went into the supermarket today and rice krispies are $6!! Also noticed that you are not able to buy more than one packet of sour worms and other sweets at a time - so that's what people were panic bulk buying?

Have booked flights to be in Cape Town in December (7th - 19th) for a wedding. Looking forward to it.

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