Yesterday morning was a bit of a blur. I suddenly had to do spelling age tests for kids going into high school as I was asked to write reports for the schools they are applying to. Decided I may as well do all my students at one go as I have to do mid-year tests soon any way. To end the morning I did a test exercise with my class to see if they are visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learners. It proved quite enlightening. Only one of them is visual and as I suspected, a lot of my dyslexics are highly kinaesthetic. Need to do more practical stuff with them. Had a quick cup of tea with the other staff and then dashed off to do an online lesson with my Chinese five year old. It is always such a joy to be greeted by him as he gives me such a warm greeting when I switch on to Zoom. I even had baby brother come over and offer a handful of Duplo to me over the internet. Had a yummy lunch at Deli with a friend, went to personal training (it was a fairly brutal session - my new nemesis are things called Around the Worlds where you have to sort of do crunches to move around on your back from one side to the other - my personal trainer makes me do them at the end of my workouts and they are killing!) and then taught my form four biology. In the evening went to dinner at a friend's new restaurant in Mount Pleasant. So yesterday was pretty full.
Today was a little more chilled. I was allowed to sleep in a bit by the puddy tats. Worked on calculating reading ages then went to teach my form four again. Poor boy, today we had to go over sexual reproduction. I could see he was a little uncomfortable but he was quite mature about it all and asked some good questions. I must say I am relieved we have now covered that. I also taught both my Chinese students again. My French student went into a long discussion about Fortnite - the game my class are also mad about at the moment. Told my French student he should play my class - he wants me to set it up. My one student at school who has been acting up of late has been threatened with having his Xbox confiscated. The transformation in his behaviour since has been radical.
I had better carry on with work this evening. Half term is giving me a little bit of breathing space but I said to the head I should try set exam papers this weekend and she said that would be a good idea :P No rest for the wicked.