Monday 18 June 2018

World Picnic Day

Well I didn't realise today was World Picnic Day, but went on a lovely picnic yesterday at Raintree. The weather was perfect and it was so restful sitting by the running water and spotting all sorts of dragonflies, butterflies and birds. Felt completely refreshed for the week. It's been a good Monday. The bonus was being told we close for half term at 10 on Thursday - woohoo!! Although my weekend is going to have to involve setting exam papers - eeeek. And some attempt at starting at reading books for the NILD course - do don't be too envious :P

Came racing home to teach my Chinese student online only to be told via Wechat that his mum has forgotten her password for Zoom. Oooh dear. Will have to make a plan.

Saw on Facebook that nine years ago today I was exploring Basel in Switzerland with my friend Nadia. Was a fun day cycling round, going to a major Van Gough exhibition, exploring the city, eating organic ice cream and having a mid summer bbq by the River Rhine. I can't believe it's nine years ago though. That is a long time but it doesn't feel like it. I am in a good space right now though, the happiest I have been in ages.

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