Saturday 16 June 2018

The term was just made shorter

Make that end of term, not year. Or maybe even half term :P

Have been pretty busy the last week and a bit with school and things. With elections being set for the 30th of July, our head had put exams forward. Just as well she did as it was announced on Thursday that schools will close early and we'll start again earlier in September. I am getting going with starting to put together exam papers. Will have consultations the week straight after exams. About to start the NILD educational therapy course online too so I am going to be busy. It's now about a 12 week term instead of the original 14 and luckily the intensive NILD training weekend is still in the holidays - phew!

My class is getting a little rowdy and I am going to have to get stricter, with enforced consequences. I turned around from writing on the board the other day though and was trying to stare down boys who were busy talking. One caught my eye and said, "Miss Lannas you're going to laugh." Well that made me and that was the end of trying to be stern. One boy gave a Michael Jackson interpretive medley at the end of school. He was actually pretty good - a career awaits. He is nicknamed The Dab-King by his classmates and keeps me updated on popular culture. Put a smile on my face.

I need to work on this.

Next weekend is already half term - I can't wait. I have been teaching for six weeks already. Am enjoying it but dealing with pre-teen boys has been a little challenging this past week with punch ups and one boy having aggression issues. One of my girls had an asthmatic attack and hadn't brought her new pump to school with her which was a little worrying. Got her to sit quietly and had thought about getting her to breathe into a paper bag.

Otherwise have started dating a good friend. Am very happy and doing really well.

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