I changed classes this week and have had children on the spectrum and others slightly more challenged than what I am used to but surviving. We're doing the Amazon and tomorrow we're going to make a giant tree with all sorts of animals in the canopy and understory. The one little boy is very taken with tapirs, even though he calls it the animal that looks like a horse. They are quite sweet kids but when they all want my attention at once it gets a little stressful.
I luckily was home early on Monday and had my dogs inside with me. Otherwise I might not have noticed that poor old Jasper was bleeding from his rear. I panicked and called a friend who is a vet and she confirmed that it can be a symptom of poisoning which I had thought of. There have been dogs poisoned in Monavale recently. My mum had the car so called a friend Vee, and she kindly went and got sedatives for Jasper to take him to the vet. He bites so he has to be sedated. Unfortunately yet again these took a while to kick in. Eventually my mum got back and went with her to the vet with Jasper. Long story, it wasn't poisoning and not gastro as they initially thought. Seems to be a mass on his anus that burst. We have to monitor this and if he bleeds again or gets any more lumps we must take him back immediately. I want to get a second opinion to be sure.
Well yesterday I was finally given my start date for my new school next term. Unfortunately it is immediately after Easter - eeeek! I have done prep but that is a month earlier than planned because of the government changes to school terms. Not much time left at all and we go on until June. This year is going to be a killer.
Have also just been told my medical aid terminated my contract with them last year without telling me. I have still been paying. They have now tracked my payment and seen I did pay but I have a whopping bill for physio that I have to pay. It's when things like this happen in Zim that you really get irritated.