Monday 22 June 2015

Better beginning

This week has kicked off to a better start. Saw my therapist, Rona, on Friday and worked through deciding on whether to take a job organising a wildlife quiz in August. Also how I can go about getting more students to tutor and try break into the new immigrant Chinese community to see if I can find students to teach English to. I have been to the Chinese Embassy and need to make some business cards.

I will have to decide when I am going to use my ticket to visit the UK. Am supposed to be changing my mood stabilising medication though so I need to see how that goes. A friend has a wedding beginning of August and I need to let them know by the end of the month if I will be there for it.

Applied for a job in Cape Town with ICLEI (local governments for sustainability). You are supposed to have a South African work visa if you are applying from outside but I applied any way. Have been asked to write an article on the current state of Harare's wetlands for the Environment Africa Greenline magazine and the Christian Counselling Centre may want some writers for their publication. I need to work on a writing piece for an art group I belong to that is meeting on Thursday. You are supposed to start from the end and work back. Some of the others are applying this to art and then photography.

Went out to Imire yesterday with my Half-Sister Mandee and her fiancé. Was a good day out and we saw baby Tafika.

Got to just take one day at a time and keep myself busy.

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