Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Mood stabilizer

Well I saw my psych today and discussed things with her. She is increasing my current mood stabiliser elanzapine and I am going to then be put on lamotrigine. She does not want to change my anti-depressants as it could make me become manic. I am booked to go to the Well Woman Clinic next Wednesday to get them to also assess my mood swings around my menstrual cycle.

My doctor did say that some of it has been circumstantial and I need to work through that. The thought of going overseas for a longer period and decisions about my future may have been strong contributing factors. Went past Emirates on my way home and I'll have till next March to use my ticket. For the moment I need to just focus on getting my moods more stable.

I did go past the Chinese Embassy too to see if I can get some more students to use my CELTA. Got an email yesterday saying my certificate for CELTA has finally come through. There is also the possibility of doing a bit of relief biology teaching at Hellenic.

With the whole question of how much is my meds and how much was circumstances I found the following TED Talk by Neel Burton titled "The anatomy of melancholy - can depression be good for you?" interesting.

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