Friday 21 August 2015

UK ticket booked

So I went in to the Emirates office yesterday and it is now official, I will be arriving at Heathrow on Sunday 4th October and will return to Zim on the 31st (Halloween). Have decided to use it to reconnect with friends and travel a bit. There is still space if anyone wants to join me in the south of France for a week (let me know).

Today has been a really busy day teaching, as due to our car being out of action from Monday to Wednesday with a damaged clutch I had to make up lessons today. Taught four different students back to back starting with grade 6 English, moving on to an art lesson of shell observation studies, then O level maths and biology and ending with grade 7 English, maths and religious studies. Had the questions for religious studies of what Israelite king built a tunnel under a city and then what is a common belief for all major world religions. Afraid wasn't too sure on those two. Have fallen in love with the one student's chow chow or "fluffy lion dog" which goes by the name Hagrid. What a gorgeous dog!

It is getting decidedly warmer and I am in my summer attire. The tabebuias are out and soon it will be jacaranda time. Saw my psych yesterday and was challenged on what are my goals and drive - not completely sure. Have lost my passion a bit and need to rediscover what I really want to do.

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