Sunday 6 September 2015

Plantar fasciitis

Over the last month I have been experiencing pain and discomfort when putting weight on my heels first thing in the morning and when I stand up after sitting for a long period. Finally went to the doctor on Friday and she confirmed I do indeed have plantar fasciitis - caused by inflammation of the thick band of tissue called the plantar in my heels.

I'm now on anti-inflammatories, have bought a pair of wedged crocks (which were luckily on a discount) and rubbing in Arnica Ice into my heels every night and morning before I get up. It has helped a lot and it is a lot less painful to walk. Hopefully caught it in time as if it progresses it can damage the ligaments in your feet and one may need to have injections of cortisol and in extreme cases surgery is required - eeek.

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