Saturday 19 September 2015

Two weeks today - eeeeek!

So two weeks today I will be on my way on Emirates to England. It will be my first time in the northern hemisphere since I packed up my life in Switzerland in 2010. I think it is going to be a slight culture shock being in the first world especially after our long power cuts here. Will also need to figure out  using public transport. Friends have very kindly lent me an Oyster card and will be using another friend's SIM card. Need to start thinking about packing and cold weather things - hard when it is 32 degrees here.

Will be in Oxford the first and last weeks of October and then in between have made tentative plans with friends to travel across to Norfolk (where my Grandparents were from), up to Notttingham and then York. Have also said will visit a friend near the Forest of Dean in Gloucester my third weekend. In the time in Oxford will try see some people in London and Reading. My time is going to go and will do my best to see people but forgive me if I don't manage to see you this time. Will just have to save up and try return.

Am going to pop in to the language school I was supposed to be teaching with over the summer. Have contacted them and they said they'd be happy to chat about future work possibly. Have also emailed the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit at Oxford and waiting to see if I can maybe just meet with someone from there. They are famous for the research project in Hwange here in Zim that was tracking Cecil the lion.

Have been told there is a shoe shop in Oxford specialising in shoes for foot problems. Just looked them up and they have quite a bit on their website on plantar fasciitis and possibly some shoe solutions. I might have to get cortisol injections in my heels before I go from Dr Coric as still having a bit of pain and it may make walking sore.

Will see my Sister Beth who is now in England. Will be more than two years since we have seen each other. She wants to try go watch the Royal Ballet's Romeo and Juliet together.

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