Thursday 16 February 2017

Half Term

Have survived the first half of the first term with Ira. I won't lie I am looking forward to two extra days off this weekend. I will still have Scott and Alberto for tutoring though. Got to school this morning to Ira throwing around his teddy bear brought for the teddy bears' picnic after he finished with me. It got confiscated and this resulted in tears. I didn't think this boded well. There was a point in lessons when I wondered if we would ever finish but miraculously we eventually did. We are having problems with pattern sequences. Ira won't look at what I'm putting in front of him and this makes it very difficult. My cousin who is an OT has sent me some resources for autism and there are some tools for patterns and shapes.

When Ira eventually went to go and join in the teddy bears' picnic I headed to Bottom Drawer and had tea with my friend Nina, her baby and then five former teachers from my high school. We sat in the peaceful surrounds of the Bottom Drawer garden and had hens with their clutches of chicks scurry past us.

Yesterday I had a lovely surprise of a voice whatsapp message from my favourite student Runbo. I had messaged his mum saying I hoped everything was going well with the new baby and Runbo adjusting to him and that I missed Runbo. In response Runbo said he miiiiiiiiissed me toooooooo and what was I doing, he was sleeping. It made my day and is my new feel good sound bite.

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