Tuesday 14 February 2017

Police Valentine

I think everyone in Zimbabwe has their stories of police encounters so I won't bore you for long with mine. When turning onto certain roads your heart drops at the sight of fluorescent green vested men. Occasionally these are in fact airtime vendors but more often they are our beloved police force out to glean cash from a people who don't have much to offer.

I was going out to visit my friend in Hatfield this morning after teaching Ira. I hit a police roadblock on Chiremba Road and to cut it short after looking for anything to fine me for they decided my wheel was too worn. I honestly didn't have any cash on me. They told me to phone my husband and get him to come with cash - hahaha. They wouldn't believe me I didn't have one and then said well call my children - how old did they think I was to have kids to come bail me out. In the end I sat it out in my car for about half an hour until my friend Nina kindly came and paid bond notes for me.

We are still having cyclonic rainfall. I dashed into Arundel Village before going to Hatfield. The security guard I regularly see wished me happy Valentine's and asked after my mum which I thought was sweet. Veldemeer's the Belgian chocolate shop seemed to be doing a roaring trade and the florist had bucketsful  of roses. Scott wished me a happy Valentine's too when I taught him this afternoon.

Veldemeer's chocolates for Valentine's

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