Wednesday 19 July 2017

A month today I'll be in France

August is fast approaching and with it my upcoming trip to England and France. One of my best friends from when I studied in Cape Town is getting married just outside Paris a month from today. I will stay on after the wedding in an Airbnb in Montreuil in Paris. Hoping to visit Monet's gardens in Giverny, possibly Versailles and the Louvre, and then wander round with my sketch book. I will be in England with my sister before I go to France and then after. Trying to suss out the options for getting around in Paris - there's the carnet but being there for a week might mean a passe navigo is a better option. A friend put me in touch with someone in Paris and they suggested I hire a bicycle - just a bit nervous cycling when I'm not familiar with all the rules and riding on the other side of the road. Nice idea though.

Otherwise, I have been asked to take photos at another friend's wedding on the 5th of August. Going to try meet up with a friend who is a professional photographer to get some tips on taking photos at night. Feel honoured to be asked to take the photos. Next Sunday evening I have another job of being a guide to French speaking people coming to Harare. I have to help a family from France with hiring a car at the airport. I am very surprised I got asked again as I didn't feel the last time went well. Am using Lingvist and busuu to try brush up my French. Guess it's useful for when I am in France too.

This last weekend I went with my mum and friend Lucy to Kariba. It's a long drive on poorly surfaced roads with deadly sharp and uneven cambers at the road edges which you have to navigate whilst dodging lorries hurtling along towards you, who are also swerving around potholes on their side of the road. We had an enjoyable and relaxing Saturday though visiting the dam wall and then going on a boat out to Fothergill and Spurwing Islands where we had great sightings of elephants, waterbuck, fish eagles, hippo and marabou storks. On the way home on Sunday we spotted an enormous python that had sadly been run over. I was a little sad at Kariba to think of all the land and wildlife that was flooded. This particularly struck me when we went out to Fothergill from Caribbea Bay as it is a long distance. I wonder what it all looked like when there was still the Zambezi River naturally flowing through the valley.

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