Friday, 28 July 2017

Tonsillitis and French

My favourite Chinese four year old has been really sick this week and from his dad's descriptions it sounds like he has tonsillitis. His dad has been taking him to the trauma centre hospital as they don't have a family GP. Apparently my student wanted me to come yesterday so I went but he only lasted half an hour before feeling grotty again. I was touched that he apparently really wanted me to come and was missing me. I didn't go today but his dad says he thinks by Monday he'll be up to another lesson. Had a long conversation with his dad after the half lesson yesterday and it looks like they might send my pupil back to China to do junior school so that he learns Chinese properly. I might still have a job though as they are open to me doing English lessons via Skype.

Just had a phone call from France from the French travel agent I gave a tour of Harare to last year. He was phoning about the family I am to assist on Sunday. Bit nervous about it and need to do some more practice tonight and tomorrow and Sunday before I go to the airport to help them rent a car and then take them to Amanzi Lodge in French. Eeeek.

Happened to talk to my personal trainer about taking money out the country. At the moment the limit is US$1,000. Apparently you can get an EcoCash card and it works outside the country like a VISA card (most local bank credit cards don't work overseas anymore or have very low limits). Need to find out more about this but am a little doubtful. Another suggestion was to wear two pairs of socks and put the cash between them - I don't know about that either but it is definitely a challenge in Zim at the moment. I feel really sorry for those who are completely reliant on cash and have to queue endlessly with no guarantee of getting anything.

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