Monday 31 July 2017

A long lesson today

Well the French meet and greet at the airport went OK. I looked up what potholes are in French - un nid de poule or hen's nest, as felt I needed to warn the family as they were driving themselves. The car rental Europcar gave them the Big Sky cubbyhole notes book on road fines and dealing with the police - another challenge here. They followed me to Amanzi Lodge and my job was done. Will try keep doing some French with duolingo as preparation for France.

It was lucky I made it to the airport as on Friday when I drove to teach my grade four student, the car started revving a lot and when I got to the gate there was smoke coming out of my engine. My student's uncle had a look while I was teaching and he cleaned up oil that had leaked and which had been burning. He said he reckoned it was coming from the gasket. When I got to the gate my student's cousin said was my car going to blow up and he was reluctant to let me in. Our mechanic came to our house on Saturday. We didn't have any cash to buy parts so I went with him to Kaguvi Street so that I could either pay by EcoCash or swipe. On the way I talked about the cash crisis with the mechanic and we said how in the past we had millions that were worthless and no food in the shops whereas now we don't have any money but there's plenty in the shops.

The mechanic did a temporary measure on Saturday so we could drive the car on Sunday, but today we hit problems with the gasket and cooling. My next door neighbour gave me a ride to and from the home school this morning and then a good friend dropped me at my Chinese student. After our mechanic had worked on the car this morning, my mum was driving to pick me up when the car started seriously overheating and spouting water. I ended up having an extended lesson with my student as we waited at his house for the car to be fixed. He's becoming very creative in building things and now thinks he'd like to be an archiket! We managed to eventually crawl home and tomorrow our mechanic will continue. Hoping to have it sorted soon.

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