Monday, 13 November 2017

Harare - Pluie prévue pour demain. Restez au sec !

The rainy season is definitely here and I'm enjoying the cooler weather. Having to make a plan for personal training as tend to do it in the garden. I made the mistake of questioning my personal trainer on whether you could really have a work out in half an hour. Her eyebrow went up and she said did I want to try - you can do sprints for different stations - gulp. Today was quite a cardio session and the repeats of burpees had me puffing. I am going to sleep well tonight and will enjoy falling asleep to the rain.

My first French lesson with the home schoolers went really well. It was really sweet, they both were so excited. I will have to try keep up the enthusiasm. When I was leaving the seven year old kept dashing out to ask me more words and then ran back inside to tell her older brother. We'll see how much they remember tomorrow but little steps. For my Chinese student, his parents have asked that I focus on improving his pronunciation and fluency in speaking. He does tend to say "hundreg" instead of "hundred" but on the whole he's doing well. His mum dropped me home on Friday and wanted him to say more than just bye when I got out. I tried hinting by wishing him a good weekend. The more I tried to elicit more from him the more abrupt his goodbyes became and the more stressed on bye. Both his mum and I laughed. Was delighted with my form three today as he had made his own chapter summaries and character outlines for both Macbeth and Spies. He hadn't gone as far as learning quotes but I was really thrilled he had done what he had as it can be like drawing blood from a stone for literature.

Saw my psychiatrist today about my hair loss. He is putting me on a lower dose of lithium and hopefully that will help. I am currently above what is needed for what he termed "maintenance" i.e. when I am not struggling and depressed. The blood test results for checking on my thyroid weren't back so he's going to chase those up to check my thyroid is OK. Lithium can mess with your metabolism and hair loss can possibly be a dodgy thyroid. I nearly had heart failure when I arrived at the surgery and the new secretary said I had to pay $55 in cash as a shortfall. I have never had to do this. She seemed quite adamant that I needed to but luckily I was right and I didn't need to on BUPA. Made me think of those who can't afford medical aid and treatment. If you have a mental illness you have to see a doctor and have your meds reviewed and updated fairly regularly.

Have Lexi one of the dachshunds snuggled up next to me on the couch. Well actually she's pushing me off the sofa. They are very affectionate dogs and come thundering through to greet me when I get back. I finish this stint of house sitting on Wednesday. Have been popping home to see my own two who give me a warm welcome too.

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