Wednesday 29 November 2017

Les Schtroumpfs

This week didn't get off to a particularly good start. I had a big argument with my sister on Skype and it seems that on a lower dose of lithium PMT hit with a vengeance this month. Have been feeling a little low the last couple of days and functioning at basal level. I think the euphoria of the last two weeks politically has also worn off and we are left thinking now what? In amongst this we received devastating news that a good family friend who lives down the road has cancer everywhere.

On the upside though this time next week I will be heading down to Cape Town for the wedding of two special friends and I will also see friends and family. Just have to get through another week of teaching between now and then. Had to try think what smurfs were today with my ten year old in French as he had got blue marker all over his hand and was trying to say he was one. It was bucketing with rain when I arrived and I dashed into what I thought was his flat in Newlands which turned out to be one of my mum's student's from the International School - oops. The apartments look identical. Have discovered my French student loves drawing so am trying to include that where I can and get him to décrit moi son dessin.


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