Friday, 10 August 2018

Heroes Weekend

It's been a good week. I am possibly slightly manic. My psychiatrist did warn me when I last saw him that I could be at this time of year with the lengthening of the days and more sunshine. Need to up the lithium but hey, I would much rather be manic than depressed - more productive and I am happy with life and the world at large.

Had a fairly busy week with teaching, starting to prep for next term and then doing an assessment of a new student for Spectrum. Shame, he had been bullied at a previous school and was very anxious but a sweety. I haven't been into school before now (decided to have a good break before tackling work again). I returned to find my desk tidied for me and my classroom all shiny and clean - thanks to Patricia - I owe her big time. Not only does she organise my desk but also provides me with coffee during term time - my life line - I'm not joking!!

Really enjoying my two students that I'm coaching. My Chinese five year old is suddenly into knights in shining armour in a big way. His all time favourite story is Saint George and the dragon but I introduced him to King Arthur and the knights of the round table today. Somehow we got onto Transformers - it was because he had a toy, and I showed him the trailer of the 2007 movie. Never mind Disney (he is really not interested in any of those). Transformers is now something he is very keen on. I will have to look for comics.

Have a friend's farewell tomorrow night at Jam Tree and then will go to church and a quiz on Sunday with Matt. We had a really fun quiz at Mustard Seed on Tuesday night. The quiz mistress picked questions according to decades from the 70's through to now. It was predicted that our age group would do better as the decades progressed and we did. The one question that baffled us was what did the film The Little Mermaid mark the beginning of in Disney history. I thought possibly the Disney princesses but Snow White and Cinderella pre-date that. Turns out it is the beginning of what is known as the "Disney Renaissance" after the "Disney Dark Ages" after Walt Disney died (the films prior were not very successful). Who knew?!

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