Wednesday 7 August 2019

Sortie de l'école

Well school is now officially out and I am on holiday - yeeha! It has been a LONG term. All fourteen weeks of it. Managed to generally not get sick except for blocked sinuses. My students yesterday sincerely said they were sad there wouldn't be school. Um, afraid I am very ready for a break and didn't quite have the same sentiments. We did grade one assessments this morning for next year and now I am done and dusted. Even had time to clear my desk and see the surface of it for the first time in months. I just have my Chinese six year old this afternoon. He might come to the school in the periods when he has school holidays in China. He came with his parents to see the school yesterday. He has grand plans of making a ginger bread house with me these holidays. We just have to work out when we can bake as I am not keen to do it at 10 pm at night, when the electricity comes back on.

I will have the National Institute for Learning Development (NILD) intensive residency week mid holidays. Thinking of doing an art week for kids with a friend. Have also been asked to exhibit at The Corridor art gallery so I need to do some art. Sarah Fynn is away but the others are meeting up so may join them. I will also have choir to keep me busy. We are singing some old ones but a few fun ones like a Les Miserables medley and The Merry Widow.

Still struggling with my ex a bit. He is off with others this long weekend and it hurts that I am no longer included even though I know why. Still feels like I lost not only a boyfriend but a best friend too and there is a hole.

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