Saturday, 7 September 2019

A bit of a blur

And so I find myself in the last weekend of the school holidays. Yesterday ended up being very busy. I had coffee with my former teachers from Convent at my French teacher's house. I then had an interview, went from there to print things for the memorial today, went to print and photocopy school stuff for Tuesday at school, met another friend for coffee (I had forgotten and she luckily reminded me), picked up flowers for the funeral and some tea things. The service today went really well and it was a fitting tribute to the rather remarkable lady Mrs Sternslow was. When her daughter gave the eulogy it really brought to mind what a tour de force Mrs Sternslow was and how she gave of her all with much dramatisation but with a heck of a lot of passion too. She was probably the best teacher I ever had and I found myself thinking I should have down English literature for A level as she had wanted me to. Oh well, I chose science.

This is a week of funerals and memorials. I have another two this coming week but I won't be taking as active a role for those. The priest today spoke of death as a continuation of life which I rather liked and how it is not the opposite of life as our soul lives on. He also likened it to being born and how we fear it but it is actually a beautiful passage and we should rejoice for the person we have lost. Chipo Chung read a beautiful sonnet too which was special.

I think I am ready for school but am quaking a bit at the thought of trying to have a differentiated classroom for three different levels with a class of fourteen. It is going to be a lot of work and I really don't know when I am supposed to fit in NILD, eeeek. Can only do my best.

It is the Verandah Gallery art exhibition tomorrow. I had tried to get my work in but was told the pieces accepted are those that are thought to have a high chance of being sold. So haven't cut it yet. I am having an exhibition with a friend who runs The Corridor art gallery in November though. Need to decide what I want to actually sell, there are some pieces that have high sentimental attachment and I wouldn't actually want to part with (unless for a very high price).

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