Tuesday 10 September 2019

The Return

The first day back at school went fairly well today. I am hoping and praying I get an assistant for reading in the mornings. Managed to get through everyone today but it was a squeeze. I may have a NILD student. Just got to try fit them in to my other teaching in the afternoons. Would be good to get going and use it before I forget the various techniques for students. So that's good news, the mum I spoke to seems keen.

Had personal training this afternoon. I haven't had a gruelling session in a little while but it was good to sweat it out a bit. Might be a little stiff tomorrow. Did weights which are supposed to slowly burn energy over a longer period and probably release endorphins for a prolonged bit. Am feeling good.

At choir last night we started doing all the songs in order. Missed two weeks so having to catch up a little and we are supposed to learn the words off by heart for some of the songs, gulp. We are booked to go out to Ruzawi School on the 5th of October. Will be nice to get out of town. Might go to the Vumba with some friends one weekend soon. Should be fun.

On Saturday I will be at Arundel Village all morning collecting stuff to be recycled under the Don Grainger Trust. Harare people bring your recycling and come along if you can.

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