Monday, 30 March 2020

Desde el primer día

Am finally beginning to feel more like myself after having tick bite fever. This is the second time I've had it but it didn't make me feel any less ghastly. It really is not pleasant with a fever, light headedness, aching joints and feeling zapped of energy. Today being the first day of quarantine/lock down nationally, didn't feel too different to other days of me being sick, except my mum was home all day. I had to unfortunately leave it to her to do all the preparation. She had to queue for fuel, groceries and medication but she did get to go to the front of the supermarket queue due to her age.

I sent off more work to my class this morning and then have been trying to do some tidying up. My mum is very protective over her stuff but trying to slowly get to it. Washed my hair and feel a hundred times better and then pottered in the garden a bit with my dogs. Need to set out things to do each day so I keep occupied. Have a whole lot of books to read, including La Peste in French. It so far isn't too hard to follow. We are in contact with family in the UK and in South Africa. I need to start thinking about next term. I did almost finish a term plan a couple of weeks ago when I thought we were still going to England so have at least almost done that but it will be a question of planning for online work if that is what we are forced to do. So far only one of my ten students has returned work done via email. It is quite hard to mark things online.

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