Sunday 22 March 2020

Just like that

I am a bit perkier today and did some marking. I do get tired quite quickly though and feel a bit unsteady on my feet. Tomorrow is now the last day of term and I am supposed to go in and sort my class out for what may now be correspondence school. I am trying to psych myself up to do it as I still don't feel great. We are to have our staff meeting on Tuesday to plan from here on out.

Over the weekend, Zimbabwe finally announced its first case of positively testing Corona. I still do think they have been under reporting on this. As schools we are lucky in that we can operate online. Well, at least private schools can. I am not sure what government schools are going to do. Perhaps mobile phone apps can be developed. For people who rely on going into public places for employment, self isolating and social distancing is harder and here in Zimbabwe there are no social welfare safety nets. If you don't work, you don't earn and most people here don't really have savings. It remains to be seen what the coming weeks have in store for us.

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