Monday 23 March 2020

Virtual classroom here we go

I still wasn't feeling very strong this morning, so didn't go into school and ended up sleeping. Woke up to start sending out work assignments to my class via email. I think we should switch to Google Classroom but need to discuss with the head. Got an email saying Twinkl is now available free of charge, which is fantastic as they have some great resources for maths, English, phonics and science.

I also got messages to say the first person has died from COVID-19 at a hospital not far from here. According to someone who knows the family, Wilkins didn't have oxygen or a ventilator for the patient and were having to ferry oxygen across every hour in the night. There was also a power cut so the ventilator didn't actually work for a couple of hours. Cheering. My sister, after saying it's just a flu virus is now putting pressure on my mum to think about using her ticket on Ethiopian Airways so that if she gets sick she would be in the UK rather than Zim. I'm not so sure about that but Ethiopian Airways is one of the only airways still flying out of here.

Theoretically it is now school holidays but I will have to send work for the next week and start making a plan for next term if we are completely virtual. So much can change so quickly. For the moment I've got to hurry up and get over jolly tick bite fever.

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