Thursday 17 December 2015

Overcoming failure and mental hygiene

Watched the TED talk below and it struck a note with what my psychiatrist had said to me just after I got back from Oxford. She suggested that I hide behind being bipolar and don't go for things full out and give it my all in applying for jobs. I felt defensive and did feel I do try but I think I am still haunted by the sense of failure after having to stop my PhD in Switzerland in 2010. In this TED talk it speaks on the power of negative thinking. It is not easy to regain confidence and to not under esteem yourself after a massive blow.

Having gone through discovering I am bipolar and the major ups and downs of getting treated I am wary of going into a highly stressful work environment again. Whilst I'd like something stimulating, I would rather steer clear of high stress. I have been applying for things here and keep trying to otherwise think of things I could do self-employed. I guess I could possibly find work more easily outside of Zim but I have my support network here and don't really want to leave. I suppose it is my conundrum and something I've got to solve and make changes for. I know I'm stubborn though and don't like change.

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